

  • History
  • History
  • History
  • History

1948: VINCO - Vizcaína de Industria y Comercio - is established in Bilbao

1962: First expansion: new premises are bought with an area of 1,600 m2

1973: The first cutting line comes into operation

1983: Second expansion: transfer to a new facility with 4,000 m2

1985: A new production centre is opened in Barcelona

1992: VINCO starts exporting, thus beginning its international expansion

1993: Third expansion: the construction of a new 3,600 m2 factory is completed in Barcelona

1998: ISO 9002:1994 certification is obtained

2003: Fourth expansion: transfer to new facilities in Larrabetzu with 18,000 m2

2004: Opening of the sales office in Romania

2006: Opening of the sales offices in Germany and Poland

2007: Installation of the first spooling line for strips

2008: Opening of the sales offices in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary

2008: Consolidation of our position in the German market through the company Metalle Schmidt

2012: Creation of the company VBT Industrial in Mexico

2013: We start distributing wires in China through Ningbo Londex Industrial

2014: We obtain ISO 14001 certification

2017: New facilities: 9,000 m2 in Larrabetzu

2018: ISO 9001:2015

2018: ISO 14001:2015

2023: New wire distribution and transformation centre in La Rioja. Agoncillo 9,300 m2

2024:Promotion of the American market through the VBT USA company

Product search engineStrip, wire, wire rope.